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Hesperocallis undulata (Desert Lily)

30 (40)cm, Desert Lily Lily is a rarely cultivated, summer dormant and winter green bulbous plant with a bluish-grey basal leaves rosette with undulated margins and medium sized, pure white, fragrant flowers on a medium tall stalk. Hesperocallis undulata is native of semi-arid coastal areas in southwestern USA. It has to be grown in a very well draining and fully inorganic substrate (eg. crushed lava, coarse sand, etc.), as its root system greatly dislikes any humus parts in the soil. Once germinated (after some 2 to 4 weeks) keep the soil only slightly moist, as too much water will inevitably lead to root rot. This species is not winterhardy and has to be kept in pots under frostfree conditions and at a winter mininum of some 10°C with very careful watering. Keep dormant plants absolutely dry. Undoubtedly this is one of the most difficult to cultivate species we offer, and it is not recommended for beginners. Seeds from a certified wild collection in Imperial County, California, USA at some 90 m. V-VI.
10 seeds per package.

Hesperocallis undulata (Desert Lily)
price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8853 € 7,99

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