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Paramongaia weberbaueri (Giant Peruvian Daffodil)

30 (45)cm, Giant Peruvian Daffodil is a rare species from Peru with a disjunct distribution in coastal areas (referred to as "summer flowering clone") and lower andine regions (denominated "winter flowering clone"). It has long and broad, bluish-green leaves and extremely large, pure yellow and strongly fragrant flowers of up to 20cm in diameter. Despite it's rarity it is easily grown in any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. Keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C throughout the year. During dormancy keep tubers almost completely dry till new leaves are formed. In the garden trade "summer flowering" and "winter flowering" clones are offered. However, after more then ten years of cultivating both supposed forms, there are no differences in flowering times notable anymore. Plants originally received as "winter flowering" used to produce flowers from October through December in their first two to three years, but since then they have delayed their flowering time to early spring. Whereas specimens from the "summer flowering" clone used to set flowers from March through May in their first years only and now have anticipated their flowering period to early spring as well. Thus these differences in flowering times are most likely a result of provenance of cultivated material and not due to genetic differences. For example, plants originating from a cultivation in the southern hemisphere will flower later in their first years if they are moved to the northern hemisphere. After that they will gradually adjust their flowering time to the new growing conditions in the northern hemisphere and thus they will finally flower earlier. As a result, the natural flowering time for this species is mid winter to early spring. Paramongaia weberbaueri is a self-sterile species, i.e. two different clones are needed for successful pollination. XII-II.
2 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package9489 € 14,90
seed package

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