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Hibiscus cooperi 'Naselai Pink'

100 (250)cm, Hibiscus cooperi has been reinstated as a species of its own in 2019. At present it is only known from cultivation and supposedly native of the Melanesia region, where it is still grown on several islands. The first recorded specimen probably came from North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is a low woody evergreen shrub with utmost showy, rose pink flowers with an inner red eye and a distinct white halo in the offered form 'Naselai Pink'. This form can be traced back to cultivated plants found near the village Naselai, Nakelo, Fiji island in 1965. In the garden trade Hibiscus cooperi is usually mistaken for Hibiscus storckii which is a different species and which is neither in general cultivation nor anywhere available in the general garden trade. Additional, there is a Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivar, namely 'Cooperi', which is often confused with the species. Even the Royal Botanical Garden at Kew cultivates wrongly identified Hibiscus cooperi in a white and rose form, and labeled as Hibiscus storckii. So if even Kew Gardens doesn't get it right with a proper identification ... Anyway, we do offer true to type seeds from Hibiscus cooperi 'Naselai Pink'. However, please keep in mind that 'Naselai Pink' is a particular color selection from Hibiscus cooperi and this selection is not stable. This means that flowers from seed raised plants will not be identical to this selection, but usually they are very close. Seeds from all Hibiscus species in section Lilibiscus (e.g Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus cooperi, Hibiscus denisonii, Hibiscus fragilis, Hibiscus genevii, etc. ) germinate unevenly over a period of several months. Keep pots in a warm spot and the soil slightlly moist until germination will occur. For any rich, well drained substrate in full sun throughout the year and reduced watering in winter at a minimum of some 20°C. V-IX.
5 seeds per package.

U.S. customers only: seeds cannot be shipped to the U.S.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0346 € 9,90

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