Micromeria fruticosus ssp. fruticosus

Micromeria fruticosus ssp. fruticosus
30 (70), Arabian or Lebanese Thyme is a an almost winter hardy, tall woody species with small, thyme or oregano like leaves, densely covered with silvery white hairs and a pleasant, very strong menthol-like fragrance. Used for the extraction of essential oil. Small pale lavender blue flowers in a terminal cluster. Native of rocky, open sites from Southern Spain to the Eeastern Mediterranean. Plant in any well drained, rocky soil in a sunny and protected spot. In colder climated preferably grow in pots under frostfree conditions. Keep plants drier in winter at a minimum of some 5°C in full sun. VI-X.

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seed package - 2660
seed package - 2660
seed package - 2660